Saturday May 15, 2010
1:00 to 4:00 Pm
Mosswood Park
W. Mac Arthur at Broadway, Oakland

The "Rhythm Sista's Women of Color Drum Circle" is reconvening for spring and summer 2010. This is a free event, and all drumming and dance skill levels are welcome.
The circle is a place of love, community, healing and empowerment for all women of color and their children. Drumming is an ancient form of communication that has passed on to us from the ancestors. When we drum we celebrate life. We drum to renew and heal ourselves, and as we heal we pass it on to others. The positive rhythms vibrate out from Mosswood Park to the Oakland community encouraging cultural awareness, pride and unity. Sista's please come, and bring your positive energy. Please bring a drum or percussion instruments, water, fruit and/or veggies to share.

There are drums and percussion instruments available at a first come first basis. Drum lesson for beginners start at 1pm - 1:30pm.

Looking forward to seeing everyone soon.

Host: Charlene Gumbs, Sandy Mills, Sista Nau-t, and Mar Stevens